One of the real keys as to why online is growing is not just the price point but the opportunity cost for both learners and faculty. 在线课程增长的真正关键之一不在于价格点,而在于学员与教员的机会成本。
More and more, food quality ― not just low price ― is emerging as a deciding-factor for many Americans when choosing where to spend their dining dollars, Tod Marks, senior projects editor for Consumer Reports, said in a statement. 当下美国人在选择就餐地点时越来越关注食物的品质,而并非低廉的价格,《消费者报告》高级项目编辑托德o迈克思(TodMarks)在声明中说。
Your woolen sweater should be competitive not just in price, quality, but in packaging for woolen sweaters. 你方羊毛衫不仅要在价格上、质量上有竞争性,在包装上也要有竞争力。
Our stubborn preference for a just price evolved in a setting that is no longer common; but evolution does not respond quickly, which may be why we still shriek with outrage at price hikes. 我们对于公平价格的执著偏好,在一种不再普遍的环境中进化;但进化不会做出迅速的反应,这可能是我们之所以仍对涨价愤怒尖叫的原因。
Sure, we have our three-phase theory, and it does work to an extent but never good enough for us to know without seeing beforehand just where the price turns are going to be. 当然,我们有三相理论,它在一程度上起作用。但是这种理论从未能让我们有足够的把握,特别是在没有预知的情况下,价格究竟会如何升降。
But they would just raise the price of the units to cover their costs. 但通常他们都会提高售价来掩饰他们的花费。
The economic crisis should be regarded as an unavoidable consequence and hence a "just" price we have to pay for immodest and over-confident politicians playing with the market. 经济危机应被视作是不可避免的结果,是狂妄自大的政客们玩弄市场的结果,因此是我们必须付出的“合理”代价。
Another important factor is that customers do not buy things based just on price. 另一个很重要的因素就是,顾客买东西也不仅仅是基于价格。
Or is that just the price for sticking something in you? 屁股挨插就值这么点钱?
When choosing the right tool, you should consider the actual cost of ownership ( COP), not just its price tag. 当你在选择适合的工具时,你应该考虑的是其真正的拥有成本(COP),而不仅仅是标签上的价格。
They should, for instance, respond not just to current price increases but to expected future price hikes. 举例来说,他们不仅应当对当前的价格上涨做出反应,还应当对未来预期中的价格上涨做出反应。
In contrast to other French pundits, he is precise about what he means by economic government, namely an institution concerned with eurozone-wide demand management and, unlike the ECB, with growth and not just price stability. 与其他法国学者不同,他精确地定义了经济政府这一概念:它是一个关注整个欧元区需求管理的机构,此外它不像欧洲央行那样只关注价格稳定,它还关注经济增长。
If we just bring over products developed for the US market, for example, we would soon be reduced to just competing on price. 如果我们只是把为美国市场研发的产品拿到中国,那么我们将很快沦落到只能打价格战的境地。
Just as petrol price rises crowd out discretionary spending in New York and London, food price surges squash spending in China. 正如汽油涨价会挤压纽约人和伦敦人的可支配开支,食品价格猛涨也会挤压中国人在其他方面的开支。
Peace returned to southern Katanga about three years ago just as the price soared for the copper, cobalt and other minerals from the province's many mines. 大约三年前和平重返加丹加南部,当时正值该省许多矿井的铜、钴和其他矿石价格飙升。
He figured he could make a business by showing them to new audiences for just the right price. 他估测他能做成一笔生意,将其放映给新的观众以合理的价格。
If you wanted a toothbrush, I would not ask questions. I'd just quote a price. A toothbrush, see, is a non-lethal object. 如果你要把牙刷,我就不会问你,而直接说价钱。必竟牙刷没什么杀伤力。
What are the parameters that determine a just price? 哪些因素决定一个合理价格的形成?
It is not just the price of bottled water that offends me-though the mark-up in some restaurants is outrageous. 让我不快的并不只是瓶装水的价格&虽然某些餐厅的标价简直令人难以忍受。
If willingness is just the price of love, it gives no ground for blame. 如果心甘情愿只是爱的代价,其实也无可厚非。
Lester: Jim, I just received your price offer for the production of our new sound cards. 雷斯特:吉姆,我刚收到你替我们生产新音效卡的报价。
That's just the price of justice. 这就是正义的代价嘛。
Guess just the price I got to pay. 或许你从不曾了解,这样的我。
But wages are never just another price. 但工资绝不仅仅是另一种价格而已。
Since vegetable growth, along with all life, extends itself in spiral motion, it would circumambulate the grid from center ring to outer, just as price and time do on Gann's calculators. 这个宇宙人在格子中旋转,并象蔬菜生长一样,在螺旋运动中使自己变大变强壮,这不就是江恩所说的时间和代价的运动吗?
My daddy lived to die, that's just the price that he paid. 我爸爸过着漠然的生活,那正是他付出的代价。
Just name your price, and I'll pay it. 开个价吧,我会付的。
The research result of this paper can help garment enterprises and foreign trade companies check cost accurately, which can increase transparence of quotation and be helpful to establish an open, fair, just price system. 本课题的研究结果可帮助服装企业和外贸公司对服装成本进行准确的核算,增加报价的透明度,有利于建立公开、公平、公正的价格体系。
The marketing competition on electronic communication manufacturers is not just pure price competition. It has been transformed into a comprehensive multi-factor competition. 电子通讯制造企业的市场竞争不只是单纯的价格之争,已经转变成多因素的综合性竞争。